The launch of books is a very important moment in the life of the book, the publisher and its reader.
That is why we try to make the presentation of our book something solemn, magnificent and solemn.
Of course, the book can also be christened in a café, it can be watered with champagne or sprinkled with grass. Not that. Our books are about history, the present in connection with the future. Therefore, our baptisms are connected with something more. They should be and are a social event. We would like to thank all those interested and especially the FC Barcelona club in the "WHERE DREAMS LIVE" edition.
When we baptized the book Ladislav KUBALA, we were given the opportunity to baptize it in front of the statue of Ladislav Kubala at Camp Nou. Pau Vilanova, Ramón Alfonseda, former players of the Kubal era ...
The baptism of the Penya history book took place as part of the 41st Confederaco mundial de Penyes.
We are looking forward to the baptism of a book about former FC Barcelona players ...
The baptism of a book is something that begins its life after several months of work and sees the light of day as a finished product.
Books from the "WHERE DREAMS LIVE" edition are demanding in a number of historical photographs. We dont want them to stay in the archive where no one will see them. We want people to remember not only their value, but to go back in time and really remember those times.
We breathe life into the team of photos.
We remind the people in these photos of the time when they were taken. To remind those times to go back in time to talk to friends again about that time.
To just meet and remember.
Isnt that so much ...?