This book is and is not about FC Barcelona. We can guess whether or not. But the club is made up of players and they clearly include the fans. Those fans who cheer thousands of miles away from their stadium but watch in the morning, at lunch, in the afternoon or at night. Whenever a club plays. They put on their players jerseys, wear scarves or hats. They form their associations - fan clubs - Penye. This book is about the history of fan clubs (PENYES) in its hundred-year history. The book maps the history of the FC Barcelona fan clubs, its difficult interwar period, through its period of revival until now. He specializes in Catalan, Spanish and worldwide fan clubs. It also includes a list of all the Pennies in the world that are active to this day. Penye in Barcelona, ??Penye in Catalonia, Penye in Spain, Penye in Europe, Asia, Africa, America. EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD. Forca Barca.
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